On March 19, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-33-20 directing all residents immediately to heed current State public health directives to stay home, except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of essential critical infrastructure sectors and additional sectors as the State Public Health Officer may designate as critical to protect health and well-being of all Californians. In accordance with this order, the State Public Health Officer has designated the following list of “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” to help state, local, tribal, and industry partners as they work to protect communities, while ensuring continuity of functions critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security.
January 25, 2021: Updated Stay Well at Home Order of the Ventura County Health Officer: CLICK HERE
January 25, 2021: Updated Stay Well at Home Order of the Ventura County Health Officer: CLICK HERE
Michael P Fischer, CPA, CITP 65 West East Street, Suite 205, Simi Valley WWW.fischercpa.com (805) 522-3771 Paul Goodnough CPA www.countryclubcpa.com (805) 577-0526 Aranda Accounting & Tax Services (805) 240-1040 www.arandaaccounting.com ATTORNEYS Law Office of Randall j. Sundeen 3605 Alamo St. #330, Simi Valley (805) 582-1529 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Alexander Buick GMC of Simi Valley 2100 First St www.alexanderbuickgmcofsimivalley.com (805) 582-6100 Open for Parts and Service Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm. Please call 805-582-6100. Schneider's Automotive Repair 607 E Los Angeles Ave. www.schneidersauto.net (805) 581-2340 Hours: M-F 7:30am-6:00pm. FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY. ADDITIONALLY we offer to our customers who cannot risk going out or families working from home - many with children, to assist with necessary tasks such as picking up a prescription or picking up groceries, stopping at the post office -what can we do to help with the day-to-day needs of our customers? German Auto Doctor 521 East Los Angeles Ave germanautodoctorsimivalley.com (805) 624-7576 Jr Test Only Smog Center 2706 E. Los Angeles Ave (805) 551-9882 https://www.jrsmogcheck.com Auto Body Unlimited/U-Haul Truck Rental 2180 First Street (805) 583-4848 www.thecrashdoctor.com BANKING/LENDING LOGIX FCU https://www.logixbanking.com (818) 565-2940 Hours: 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM M-F, and 9:00 AM to 3:00 Saturday. Teller transactions only at 1855 Cochran St CLEANING SERVICES Detailed Cleaners Home & Office Cleaning Service Call or text: (805) 864-1433 www.detailedcleaners.com Mon- Fri, 7:30AM-5PM $35.00 off sterilization cleaning for office or home through May 4th COMPUTER SERVICES Axicom, Inc. (818) 865-9865 31352 Via Colinas, Suite 104 Westlake Village Offering remote technical support for small to medium businesses. Normal hours of operation are 8:30am - 5:30pm Weekdays, with after hours and weekend support available at an hourly rate. Hummingbird Networks (805) 522-9123 www.hummingbirdnetworks.com Hummingbird Networks provides all you need to set yourself up to work from home. We carry laptops, monitors, cables, WiFi solutions, and security offerings that will ensure your data is secure. Our team is available to assist you with all of your work from home needs. ITS - Integrated Telemanagement Services (805) 520-7020 4100 Guardian Street, Ste #110 www.itstelecom.com JBI Integration Solutions Inc. (805) 587-8919 www.jbiintegration.com Your IT and Marketing professionals. We bring creative, powerful tech advancement solutions to business owners in a simplified way so you can easily adopt and integrate. Services include low voltage cabling, data, voice and surveillance systems, remote monitoring and mgmt (RMM), on site and remote IT support, optimized digital mkt solutions including reviews, social media, advertising, professional printing and graphic design. DENTAL CARE Erringer Family Dental Group (805) 522-7371 1755 Erringer Road, Suite 21, Simi Valley www.ErringerDental.com (805) 484-3301 Open for dental emergencies including pain, possible infection, & dental work requiring immediate attention due to risk of infection First Family Dental (805) 583-5700 https://www.firststreetdental.com Open for dental emergencies and phone call consultations. FINANCIAL SERVICES C 3 Financial Strategies (805) 375-8228 www.c3financialstrategies.com (805) 375-8228 Financial and Insurance Services. Virtually assisting businesses and individuals throughout California. Edward Jones- Greg Lewandowski 40 W Cochran Street, Suite 208, Simi Valley Edwardjones.com (805) 955-9187 Edward Jones- Kailey Wagner 2655 First Street, Suite 140, Simi Valley www.edwardjones.com/kailey-wagner (805) 306-9488 We are OPEN and here to be a resource to you! Please give me a call to set-up a complimentary retirement plan review! Thrivent Financial - Benjamin Hale CLF, FIC, CLTC 3605 Alamo St, #320, Simi Valley https://connect.thrivent.com/ben-hale (805) 907-8587 Available for Zoom meetings to discuss and answer financial questions and Investment guidance. Plus Life Insurance, Long Term Care, and Disability Insurance. Charton Financial Group 40 W. Cochran St. Suite 201, Simi Valley www.chartonfinancialgroup.com (805) 864-2754 ICM Financial Lisa Lewis (805) 484-1011 Prudential Becky Sevell (818) 263-8544 15303 Ventura Blvd, Suite 1550 Sherman Oaks CA 91403 www.prudential.com Life Insurance, Annuities, Estate Planning, Tax Advantaged Investments, Retirement Planning, Business Solutions, Legacy Planning Call, Email, Zoom, Skype, Webex, etc. DJR Financial Services New Phone Number 805 715-3690 Old Phone Number 805 527-2430 2480 Stearns St Investments-Retirement.com FUNERAL / GRIEF SUPPORT Rose Family Funeral Home and Cremation 4444 Cochran Street www.rosefamilyfuneralhome.com (805) 581-3800 The Simi Valley Public Cemetery (805) 526-8245 We are an essential business. We are open for interments and Plot Sales. HEALTH CARE Alta California Medical Group 2925 N Sycamore Drive, Suite 204/205 (805) 578 9620 Medical Services: Alta California Medical Group is a privately owned family practice doctor's office that has been here in Simi Valley since 1983. Our patients range in age from newborns to geriatric. Because we have retained many patients for many years we do see a lot of older patients. Our services include well care exams, periodic check ups on conditions and medications, illness exams, treatment of injuries with xray available in our office, skin examinations with minor lump/bump removal, dexascans for osteoporosis diagnosis and re-evaluation, cognitive testing for the elderly. Free Clinic of Simi Valley 2060 Tapo Street www.freeclinicsv.comwww.freeclinicsv.com. (805) 522-3733 The Free Clinic's Medical and Counseling services remain open although service hours many vary due to the every changing healthcare emergency. Check our website for the current days and times. |
Ascent Hearing Center
www.ascenthearingsimivalley.com (805) 579-9324 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 1717 Simi Town Center Way #3 We take most insurance including Gold Coast. Ventura Orthopedics/UrgentOrtho 2525 Erringer Rd., Simi Valley urgentortho.com (805) 941-0046 Open to serve orthopedic needs. UrgentOrtho is open to help alleviate demand on the hospitals. Just walk-in for immediate orthopedic care of breaks, sprains, strains, pulls and tears. Vitalant Blood Services vitalant.org (805) 542-8500 Vitalant is a Essential Business to collect blood donations to meet the health care needs of the community. During this time, appointments are requested to help us assure social distancing. To find a blood drive near you and schedule an appointment, please call 805-542-8500 or online at www.blood4life.org and enter your zip code. City of Hope 1157 Swallow Lane, Simi Valley (805) 527-2770 http://www.cityofhope.org/location/simi-valley City of Hope - Simi Valley remains open to service cancer patients. In response to the COVID-19 situation, we have implemented additional precautionary measures. Valley Home Medical Supply (805) 864-9301 We remain open during the pandemic, providing medical equipment to patients in their homes. Remain safe in your home, where your Health Care needs are take care of. Integrity Comfort Systems 2280 Shasta Way, #114 integritycomfort.com (805) 404-5861 We are open for business. We are practicing all distancing measure. Our technicians are wearing respirators, gloves and booties. We have air purification products available. Chuck's Handyman Service (805) 583-2639 Clear Choice Windows 67 W Easy Street. Ste #132 www.clearchoicewindowsusa.com (805) 583-5992 We are here to help you with any home repair and window needs. We look forward to giving back to our community and to assisting in keeping everyone safe. Coley Painting (805) 304-2769 All types of Painting- including Commercial, Residential, Office. Interior cabinets, trim and faux, indoor and outdoor painting. Painting of large commercial buildings. Lic, and Insured. EST 1977 Apex Performance Group, Inc. apexperformancegroup.com (805) 206-2739 HVAC, Whole House Fans Simi Hardware & Rock Depot 711 E. Los Angeles Avenue (805) 527-7184 www.simihardware.com INSURANCE SERVICES Eric Little State Farm (805) 581-5460 1985 First St. Simi Valley Phone and email only. Gaspar Insurance Services 40 W Cochran St., Suite 201 (818) 302-3060 Ext 270 Office open with limited access. Available to help all of our existing customers and any people and/or businesses in the community that need help with insurance. E-mail:[email protected] Rancho Simi Insurance 1611 E Los Angeles Ave www.ranchosimiinsuirance.com (805) 581-2128 Still open for business via phone. 9am - 5pm State Farm - Jayson Wimmer www.wimmerinsurance.com (805) 527-7262 Available via phone, email or video chats. MORTGAGE SERVICES Mainstreet Mortgage 31351 Via Colinas # 206, Westlake Village www.mainstreetmortgage.com (805) 433-5842 We are here to service the community! Rates are still very low! Mark & Darci Richardson/CSMC Mortgage 3200 E Los Angeles Avenue Suite 23, Simi Valley www.MarkandDarci.com (805) 304-2900 Working remotely and open for business. We now have a great app that you can put directly on your phone for updated information on what is happening in the real estate lending market, apply for a loan via the app and many other great features. Just text MD4LOANS to the number 36260 for our App! MOVING & STORAGE Beverly Hills Transfer and Storage/Allied Van Lines www.beverlyhillstransfer.com (805) 217-4366 We are open and ready to service local and long distance moves including commercial projects. I am available for online video surveys. PERSONAL SERVICES Simi Valley Laundry (310) 880-9709 www.simivalleylaundry.com Our business is open during the pandemic to assist our community with sanitizing their laundry. Future You Hypnosis 3655 Alamo St, Suite 200 (805) 279-4616 Anxious times right now, I can calm you down. uBreakiFix 2874 Cochran St., simi Valley www.ubreakifix.com/locations/simivalley (818) 210-5555 Telecommunications infrastructure support and maintenance. Ecology landscape Ecologylandscape.com (805) 5278052 Landscape design and installation consulting services PLUMBING Barcena Plumbing www.barcenaplumbing.com (805) 583-8030 We are open Monday through Friday for your plumbing needs and 24/7 for your Emergency plumbing needs. |
Kopy King www.morecopies.com (805) 527-0060 Kopy King production remains operational for online and email orders during the COVID-19 safer at home order. Curbside service for drop offs / pickups available. (Sorry, no walk in counter service available at this time.) ThumbPrint 480 E Easy St Ste 3, Simi Valley www.TPdigital.com (805) 527-9491 ThumbPrint is OPEN for business as we are considered a supporting business for essencial businesses. We handle all our your small and large format printing and signage. Please visit our website to see our product offerings or give us a call. We are here to serve. Z Signs And Graphics Inc. 1825 Surveyor Ave Unit 101 www.zsignsandgraphics.com (805) 304-7273 As a result of this unfortunate global outbreak, daily routines have changed and in the business world, it has resulted in some operations being forced to slow down or close altogether. Here, at Z Signs & Graphics, Inc. we are here to help. We can offer a 3’x7’ Full Color Banner for $59. (Regular Cost $126.) Bezign (805) 577-1500 www.bezign.inkwww.bezign.ink Bezign will be open Monday -Thursday 10am - 4pm & Friday 10am-3pm during the Corona Virus crisis. For all your printing, signs, Website Design, and Graphic needs. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Polaris Management Consulting LLC (805) 501-3464 Dr. Schwamb PMP has consistently reduced program costs while increasing customer satisfaction, revenue, and profitability for small and multi-billion dollar companies. He has a strong track record in project management, project delivery, providing outstanding product support and business operation contributions. Additionally, he has managed large-scale, geographically dispersed marketing campaigns leading to over $500M in business development. Select Staffing 2760 Tapo Canyon Road, #4 www.select.com (805) 456-7021 Applications can be filled out online at www.select.com. Recruiters are conducting virtual interviews of the online applicants American Trophies and Awards 4545 Industrial St, Suite 6A www.American-Trophies.com (805) 433-5652 American Trophies and Awards production remains operational for online and email orders during the COVID19 pandemic. Curbside service for drop offs / pickups are available, as well as ground shipping. Our showroom is currently closed for walk-ins to not only keep ourselves, but also our community members safe during these unprecedented times. Feel free to call/text our shop cell phone at any time! Assurance Document shredding (805) 341-7908 Assurance Document Shredding is deemed an essential business due to the sensitive nature of the documents that we destroy and the security necessary to dispose of them properly. We are open for business, and require an appointment for service. Spectrum Kellie Cook (747) 242-7833 [email protected] |